Personalized Service – Efficient, Effective & Trustworthy

Virtual CFO

Chief Financial Officer is the officer of a company that has primary responsibility for managing the company’s finances, including financial planning, management of financial risks, record-keeping, and financial reporting. In some sectors, the CFO is also responsible for analysis of data. CFO is essential part of any successful business. From record-keeping to data analysis, and then planning the strategies to overcome or manage financial risks in the future, a CFO brings financial stability to a volatile corporate world.

Business have to focus on financial matters – funding, compliances, recordkeeping, investments, cash flow management to budgeting and forecasting this leaves little room for business functions which ultimately affects profitability.

There are certain advantages with KCLBooks

Qualified Professional

Finance is an area which needs specific set of skills to bring about balance in an organization. Our CFO will all be qualified with professional degree. You can be assured that your company/ business finances are in great hands.

Knowledge and Experience

In this global world, the trend of outsourcing is reaching its peak in the western countries. Asian countries are first choice for outsourcing their business services. India has emerged as a market leader in soft skill industry and is stated as the most preferable partner for BPO.


We strive to bring best to clients business thus always tend to an organized work approach since we understand how important is to be accurate. We work in batches for all our clients and fulfill their accounting requirements.

Data Security

Data is an asset, and in today’s information world its imperative to have strong security over its access. We use secure connections, with firewalls on all our systems. Timely and continuous back-up of the data on cloud to essentially have access to these anytime – anywhere.

Company in Lines

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